we combine the experience and the art of modern technology to bring the maximum efficiency for your water projects.

Who is NPI?

Established in 2012, NPI Services LLC focused on providing professional design and consultancy, construction, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of water treatment projects all around the world.


By implementing the best practice in industrial, municipal and intensive farming environments and with the aid of top leading manufacturers, NPI Services tries to safeguard the customer’s water future.

NPI Services LLC focused on providing professional design and consultancy, construction, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of water treatment projects all around the world.



Our personalized services and localized technology bring full satisfaction to our customers, wherein they can count on responding to all their concerns.

Accountability: We are accountable for what we do and its consequences.

Excellence and Innovation: We ensure excellence in what we do and we continuously seek creative solutions and innovation through presenting new ideas to meet our client’s requirements.

Flexibility: We are ready to build flexible agreements to meet the changing needs of our clients during our projects.

Communication: We decrease the project achievement period, with the help of good communication, a proper understanding of customer requirements and appropriate supports to create the best value.

Our Values

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    Contact Information


    Poti free industrial zone, office No: 1B-7T/335, 4400, Poti, Georgia


    +995 555 217171
